DAY 1 - Personal Revival During Quarantine
Read: 2 Timothy 3: 1-9
In a time of being quarantined, we are forced to spend time alone. It allows us to see ourselves as we are. It is imperative to use this time wisely. Ask God this important question, ‘Lord show me my weaknesses, my failures, my sin, my disobedience and my priorities’. It is a wonderful time to ask God to reveal and remove the things that hinder us from being holy. It is time to open our hearts and lives to God, a time for self-examination, a time for personal revival, a quickening of our hearts. The things we have hidden from Him and not surrendered to Him need to be brought into His light so that we may be well prepared for His second coming.
2 Timothy 3: 1 says that in the last days difficult times will come. Men will be lovers of self. As believers we require sanctification at a deeper level. Are we more concerned about our own desires, pleasures and ego, holding onto a form of godliness rather than God? The Bible clearly instructs us to avoid such men.
May we ask ourselves this question, ‘am I not guilty of many of these things?’ May we examine ourselves, allow God to point out our sins, repent and truly be ready for the second coming.
Dr. Jerry Root a well-known scholar in C.S. Lewis’ writings, also an evangelist and director of spiritual reformation says that the process of self-examination must be done in the context of the awesome unconditional love of God. We need to uproot, confess, repent of deep-rooted sins that have penetrated, dominated and controlled our lives. We need to break it in the power of Christ and be cleansed and purified in the blood of Christ.
As it is written in Psalm 51, “You desire truth in the inmost part”. Obedience opens our heart to the Omniscience of God. We understand more of God which results in a better revelation of Him. It is necessary to ask God to cleanse us and purify us. The Beatitudes teach us that “blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God."
:: Prayer ::
Cleanse my heart from every wicked way. Wash me, dear Lord and make me pure. This I ask in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
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