DAY 7 - A Blessed Hope Amid Uncertainty


Day 7

Read: Titus 2:11-15

Titus 2:11 says “For the grace of God has appeared to bring salvation to all men”. We are living in the end times. Look at the world, it has come to a standstill. A time when the whole world is humbled, and man has been rendered powerless. God is above all; He is above man’s achievements and his boasting. He has the final word.

In the midst of the darkest hour, Paul says, we have a blessed hope. Blessed implies being joyful, content, peaceful, happy and pleasant. This blessed hope is that Christ is coming in glory. This is not a time of mourning or grieving. We are sad at the things happening around us, but we do not allow it to rob us of our joy and peace. Never cease to celebrate the blessed hope of the more glorious thing that is to come: Christ coming in glory.

Focus not on the death toll but on the glorious life in Christ. Do not be glued to the television feeding your mind with the gloom around that leads to fear and hopelessness. Rather fill your mind with the hope we have in Christ. Eagerly await His voice, the trumpet sound and His coming in glory.

We must be aware of our surroundings, and not be indifferent but we must also choose to be happy, to appreciate the smallest of blessings. Thank God for technology that allows us to keep in touch with people. Use this time to reach out to those who are lonely, pray for them, rekindle friendships, bring joy and hope, encourage one another, express gratitude for the people who have influenced you in the faith. Reach out and make others happy. In all your conversations bring light, love and hope.

Above all, look forward to the trumpet sound. He will come in glory and may this truth fill you with joy and excitement!  

:: Prayer ::

Dear Father, we thank you for the blessed hope that gives us joy in the midst of difficult situations. You are in control and will take care. There is nothing that surprises You. Make us a blessing to many even today. In Jesus name, Amen.


The Book 'Covid19 is a Word Not a Sentence' is available online on as Paperback and Kindle Versions. Click Below to Buy online



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