DAY 11 - Joy In The Midst Of Coronavirus


Day 11

 Read: Luke 9:51-58

It is interesting to note that Palm Sunday is also referred to as the Triumphant entry. Jesus entered Jerusalem knowing He was going to experience immense and unimaginable suffering, the people were going to insult Him, mock Him and betray Him. In Luke 9:51, it records that “as the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem”. He was determined to go there. This verse focuses first on the ascension and not on the sufferings Jesus would face shortly. He was going back to the Father and to be seated at the right hand of God. This glory that awaited Him led Him to Jerusalem.

Hebrews 12: 1,2 talks about endurance and joy. Jesus knew He was going to be with the Father which brought Him tremendous joy. In the midst of the quarantine and all its limitations, let us not forget the joy that awaits us. We hope all this will end soon and normalcy will be restored. But in the meantime, we need to experience joy as we go through one of the toughest times the world has ever gone through. We need to focus on the wonderful time that our Lord will come again in glory. Proverbs 31:25 says: She smiles at the future, because she has hope and confidence in a loving God.                             

Jesus was looking forward to His ascension, the time He would be back with the Father. The cross, pain and rejection, He was willing to go through because it would last only for a short time, but He was going to be with the Father forever.

You and I can say with confidence because of Jesus’ work on the cross, ‘I will rejoice and will sing for eternity, glory to the Lamb that was slain’. Hallelujah! With this joy may we go through this difficult time assured of the hope we have in Christ.

:: Prayer ::

Dear Lord Jesus thank you that we are so blessed, for the hope in a hopeless situation. We have joy and peace because of the eternal hope in You. May we be reminded of that beautiful song “with Christ in the vessel I can smile at the storm” as we endure this present situation. In Jesus name, Amen.


The Book 'Covid19 is a Word Not a Sentence' is available online on as Paperback and Kindle Versions. Click Below to Buy online



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