DAY 12 - Inner Quietness


Day 12

 Read: Psalm 131

We are living in uncertain times not knowing when normalcy will be restored. There are a lot of things we are uncertain about our job, financial situation, the economy. Change can cause us to be disturbed, worried and anxious. God instructs us to be at rest like a weaned child, comforted and quiet in His arms. 

This psalm is so appropriate for us in these times. As the world is in turmoil grappling with different strategies to cope with the pandemic, we as God’s children have an amazing God who says come and rest. God does not have senior citizens or young people, only children!! We are precious in His sight. He assures us that He will take care of us like a mother takes care of her child. In Isaiah it says, will a nursing mother forget her child? We are protected by a loving Father, rest in His care.

Matthew 11: 28-30 says, "Come to me all who labour and are heavy laden and overburdened, I will cause you to rest. I will ease, relieve and refresh your soul. Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle, humble and meek, lowly in heart. You will find rest, relief, refreshment, ease, recreation and a blessed quiet for your soul” (Amplified Bible). In the midst of the uncertainty, may we recognize that we have an awesome Shepherd, a God who calls us to rest in Him.

To the extent that you are calm, collected and rested in the core of your being to that extent you are a mature Christian. 

:: Prayer ::

Lord Jesus in the midst of so many questions may we rest and relax because we are your children. You will take us through triumphantly even through these trying times. In Jesus name, Amen.


The Book 'Covid19 is a Word Not a Sentence' is available online on as Paperback and Kindle Versions. Click Below to Buy online



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