DAY 6 - Reviewing Our Priorities


Day 6

Read: James 1:1-11

God has allowed this situation into our lives so that we may recognize the true desires and longings of our heart so that there can be a transformation. When the true longing of our heart is not God, holiness and to live a life for Him alone, God sends us situations that will get our attention. You can either deny His voice or turn to Him and seek His face. 

James 1:2 says Consider it a sheer gift friends, when tests and challenges come to you from all sides. You know that under pressure your faith life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So, don’t try to get out of anything prematurely, let it do its work so you become mature, well developed and not deficient in any way”. When God allows pressures, difficulties, challenges and unusual circumstances into our lives, there is a way in which the superficiality of our spiritual life gets exposed and the real longings of our heart is revealed. We have pride, arrogance and rebellion which are deep rooted and cleverly covered up and justified. We desire and prioritise money, power, position, career and family ties. We long for the things of this world, crowding out the real desire for God. So often the desires for worldly things can become an idol.                     

In the present situation God is asking us to recognize our real longings. A famous rabbi Abraham Twerski defines an idol as a system where the person creates his own God and erects his own morals and ethical system to conform to his own desires. We are so quick to justify reason and rationalize these idols we have created for ourselves. John Calvin said that the human mind is a perpetual factory of idols”. We so often forget that our focus should be on God, His love, His Word and He should be our top priority. Times of pressure times reveal our real idols and God wants us to tear them down so we can be His alone.

:: Prayer ::

Lord Jesus reveal to us what preoccupies our time and energy, things that are good but not the best. Tear these idols down Lord and give us a deeper desire for You and Your Word, to seek You with all our heart. Forgive us for going our own way, break us, mould us and make us Yours. Thank You for these times of awakening. In Jesus name, Amen.


The Book 'Covid19 is a Word Not a Sentence' is available online on as Paperback and Kindle Versions. Click Below to Buy online



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