DAY 17 - Hope


DAY 17

Read: Hebrews 3:12-19 

Hebrews 3: 12 says an evil heart of unbelief leads you away from the living God. Unbelief stems from an evil heart. We are constantly making up excuses for our unbelief 

saying, its difficult to trust God at this time, we blame it on our weakness and shortcomings. 

The writer of Hebrews says unbelief is evil. It makes you think that God will not take care of you and that He will not come through for you. The truth is that we have a loving Father who is able to provide everything we need. Oswald Chambers said, “The root of all sin is the suspicion that God is not good”. In this time of uncertainty, rely on the loving Father, not on your unbelieving heart. 

Unbelief results in slipping away from the living God and putting ourselves in a place where we block God from entering. We lock Him out. Unbelief leads to despair which results in hopelessness; a loss of hope and trust produces discouragement, depression and sadness. This ultimately shuts God out. It all begins with not believing in the goodness of God. Therefore, unbelief is referred to as evil. God cannot be with a sad person because he/she has moved away from Him. 

God longs to do miracles in our life, if only we can believe in Him. Believing in a living God will result in us seeing the glory of God. May we believe we have a loving Father 

:: Prayer :: 

Help us never to lose hope Lord but to believe You are there and will always take care of us. In Jesus name, Amen. 


The Book 'Covid19 is a Word Not a Sentence' is available online on as Paperback and Kindle Versions. Click Below to Buy online



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