DAY 18 - Resilience


DAY 18

Read: Romans 8:35-39

Paul writes that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God. In all things, we are more than conquerors. This is such an amazing assurance as we go through troubled times. During tough circumstances, choose to not let it to destroy your spirit. As we go through one of the biggest setbacks ever recorded in history, we can say this with confidence, we are more than conquerors. I can do all things through Christ.  

We are not under but above the circumstances. Resilience is described as the courage to bounce back from a setback. Golda Meir who was the Israeli Prime Minister from 1969 to 1974 said, we refuse to disappear no matter how strong the forces are against us; here we are, millions of bodies buried alive, burnt to death but never has anyone been able to break the spirit of the Jewish people.

This is our inheritance, our blessing, our position that we can hold onto. No matter what happens, the hope and joy we have in God cannot be taken away from us. Trials, tribulations, difficulties, quarantine, lockdown, in all of this we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

Jesus went through Gethsemane, suffered intense pain, crucifixion and death. Yet, He said Father I can go through all of this because You are with me. Friday is not the end; Sunday is coming! Halleluiah!

We are more than conquerors not by escaping difficult times but by going through them triumphantly and coming out victorious. Israel is one of the strongest nations in the world despite going through tremendous suffering. 

In Moses life, forty years was spent in the wilderness after being like a royal in Pharaoh’s palace. This maybe our wilderness experience. Just as Moses was being prepared to lead the people of Israel, God is preparing us for the purposes He has ordained for us. May we be willing and remain yielded to the working of His Spirit in our lives.

:: Prayer ::

Lord Jesus, help us to have the resilience to never give up as we allow the power of the Holy Spirit to work in us to bring something beautiful out of this difficult time. In Jesus Name, Amen.


The Book 'Covid19 is a Word Not a Sentence' is available online on as Paperback and Kindle Versions. Click Below to Buy online



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