DAY 34 - Be A Blessing
DAY 34
Read: Genesis 40:1-8
Another important virtue we see in Joseph is his concern for the people around him. In Genesis 40:6, the cupbearer and baker are in prison and are dejected. Joseph asks them the reason and is led to help them. Though Joseph himself had enough problems of his own: being sold by his brothers, falsely accused, put in prison, he still chose to think of others.
Look out for people who are suffering, it makes our dark periods lighter, it helps to shift the focus from ourselves to others. It makes us think less about ourselves and more about the needs of others. As Paul exhorts us, we need to look out for the interests of others. As we see in Job 42:10, God waited, as Job moved from his suffering to interceding and then to restoration.
As the renowned cardiologist, professional educator and author Dr. B.M. Hegde says that “I” “I” leads to Illness; “We“We” leads to Wellness/Wholeness/Health.
Let us not be lost in self-pity, rather may we seek to bless others, be of help in their suffering and pain as we experience God ministering to us.
:: Prayer ::
Lord Jesus, when we go through difficult times help us not to focus on ourselves but to reach out to others in need and in doing so bring joy and be a blessing for your glory. As You give us joy, peace and grace to go through trying times, may we be thankful. In Jesus name, Amen.
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