DAY 5 - The Lord Is My Shepherd


Day 5

 Read: Psalm 78:52-55

Psalm 78 speaks about the Lord who leads us like a Shepherd. In the present situation it seems like we are in the wilderness, confined to our own tents. Psalm 78:52 says, “He led forth His own people like a sheep and guided them in the wilderness like a flock”. It gives us a picture of the Lord being our Shepherd, the good Shepherd (John 10) carrying us in His loving and protective arms.                   

We understand the word ‘desert’ in the English language as a dry place. But Jonathan Lipnik, a professor in the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies, says, the word for ‘desert’ in Hebrew means “to pasture one’s flock”, to lead them through an unsettled area with sparse but sufficient vegetation for the flock. Throughout the wilderness experience God was telling the Israelites that He is their Shepherd and He will carry them through. He assures them that He will be with them, protect them and care for them. In today’s context, being confined to our homes in a way alludes to the wilderness. But God ensures we are sufficiently provided for, all our physical needs are met. He is the loving Shepherd who is leading us through this time.

We have an amazing God. He did not take the people of Israel from Egypt directly to the Promised Land. God is not interested in short cuts. No instant ways with Him. God is interested in the journey, the process. The Israelites had to understand God’s ways and hence it took them 40 years to get to the Promised Land. There were many lessons to be learned along the way.

God requires our total and complete attention to be on Him. We are so engrossed in the things of this world: what will I eat, drink, wear. God instructs us not to worry about our food and clothes. Use this time to seek God. As He promised the Israelites to meet their physical needs, may we look to Him and pray asking Him to give us today our daily bread. He asks us to be totally dependent on him. He will take care of us.

May we continue to experientially understand the amazing love of God during this time of being confined to our homes. God assures you that He is your Shepherd, you shall not want. He does not want you to grumble or murmur but to trust in Him. May we focus on the Lord as we go through this time, trusting the Shepherd to take care of His flock. There may not be surplus but there will be sufficient for the day. God says His grace is sufficient for us.

:: Prayer ::

Forgive us for grumbling and murmuring, help us to realize that it is You who provides and meets our every need. In the midst of dryness, emptiness and the silence on the outside, may we know and believe in the Shepherd who will never leave us nor forsake us and that we are safe in His care. In Jesus name, Amen. 


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