DAY 21 - Living Carefree In The Midst Of The Furnace


DAY 21

Read: Daniel 3:19-26

As recorded in this passage, Nebuchadnezzar ordered the Hebrew men to be thrown into the furnace with their hands and legs bound. These men loved the Lord and chose to follow Him wholeheartedly despite the King’s instructions. And in the midst of this burning furnace, the imprisoned men were walking freely and celebrating because the Lord was with them!

What a wonderful example on how to live life. Our present situation is one of a kind in the history of the world, tremendous uncertainty, an extremely unsettling time but praise God we can live victoriously because He lives. The risen Lord is with us, the Son of the Living God is our refuge and strength. We have nothing to fear.    

The New York Times Magazine published the story of Stamatis Moraitis, a Greek immigrant to the United States. At the age of 63, he complained of shortness of breath and was diagnosed with lung cancer, requiring chemotherapy and radiation. He was given nine months to live. This man chose not to undergo the treatment. Instead, he decided to go back to his hometown in Greece and spend the rest of his life there. Though he was extremely weak and tired, he slowly started working in his garden, visiting friends, going to church, recalling the good times and enjoying each day. As time progressed, Stamatis became stronger and continued to work on his farm. Interestingly, he lived to the age of 103, outliving most of the doctors who predicted his death. 

There are some important lessons to learn from this story:

  • Cancer is a word, not a sentence; so is COVID-19. Though we are going through a tough time, let us live free and full lives because Christ lives in us, the hope of glory.

  • Stay connected with God; Strengthen your relationship with the God who loves you and cares for you.

  • Stay connected and cherish good relationships, family and friends. It is necessary to celebrate life.

  • Continue to give to others.

:: Prayer :: 

Dear Lord, help us celebrate life because the risen Lord is with us. In the midst of the furnace may we experience Your presence and be joyful. In Jesus Name, Amen.


The Book 'Covid19 is a Word Not a Sentence' is available online on as Paperback and Kindle Versions. Click Below to Buy online



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